Eremeev V.N., Suvorov A.M., Vladimirov V.L., et al. Preparation of the catalog on marine sciences data in the Ukraine. 1995, 78pp. MHI Technical Report, Sevastopol. (In Russian). AbstractFirst version of the catalog is described on the marine sciences data, which are collected in the marine institutions of the Ukraine. The catalog was created within the frameworks of the National project "National bank of the marine sciences data." An analysis was done of the existing forms of the marine and environmental data catalogs and the form for the national catalog was chosen. This form is very close to the EDMED form ( European Directory of Marine Environmental Data) and can be easily linked with it.These main Ukrainian institutions participated in preparation of the catalog: Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Sevastopol), Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS), Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kiev), Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (SSRIMFO) , Ministry of fisheries of Ukraine (Kerch), Ukrainian Scientific Center of the Ecology of Sea, Ministry of Environment of Ukraine (UkrSCES, former Odessa Branch of the State Oceanographic Institute, Odessa), Institute of Biology of Southern Seas (IBSS). Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Sevastopol), Odessa Branch of the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas. Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Odessa), Marine Scientific-Informational Association, State Hydrometeorological Committee of Ukraine (MSIA, former Sevastopol Branch of the State Oceanographic Institute), Experimental Branch of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Katsiveli, Crimea), Ukrainian Scientific center of water protection, Ministry of Environment of Ukraine (Kharkov). The brief analysis is done of data for each institution and a part of data that included in the catalog is estimated. This version of a catalog includes information on 515 data sets. Next updated version of the catalog is planned for 1995, which will include the search and retrieve system to simplify the use of the catalog. |